The Maps from Art Trial 2023
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Origami coffee beans (
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QR code for the creative access resource
Artist Statement
I was fascinated with the smell of coffee, and the famous culture of coffee continues with fine artists. Also, the story of coffee includes psychedelic art in history, stimulating expressive views and is a medium for meeting with friends and discussing the political situation, history, or another topic. In other ways, the history of coffee continued with colonization and human slavery and suffering in the initial period of coffee history.
I have created a timeline, "The History of Coffee," for the world using origami beans for the business card, making origami beans for hanging in the store and decorating the wood slice with coffee beans and pyrography techniques. Coffee beans have influenced scent and history in the entire world across art and politics. Also, coffee beans have been interesting across different generations worldwide, and traditional habits continue with the coffee culture. For audiences, I am showing different beans from different countries with specific tastes and traditional habits, for example, a traditional Coffee Pot from Turkey or a powerful scent from Arabic coffee.
The Artwork includes the installation and process of how I created it.
“The History of Coffee” on the wood slice.
Figure 1. clear wood slice
Figure 2. created the wood slice with drill tool
Figure 3. created the wood slice with ground coffee
Figure 4.finished the wood slice with the ground coffee and beans
The finally installation Artwork in the Cortile Coffee shop in Pontypridd
Figure 6. The detail of the table with coffee Turkey set coffee beans
Figure 5. The detail of the Timeline wood slice
Figure 6. The finally Artwork installation
Figure 7. A view from Taff Street
Figure 8. The Origami beans from different country
The creative access resource
I used a traditional Ottoman Style Arabic Kahwa Pot set to avoid a pleasant atmosphere in the coffee shop, interest in my Artwork "The History of Coffee", and as part of the tactile resource. Also, for various senses (copper, ornaments on the cup, cold or worm temperature on the different shapes, and materials), I used natural materials for the table, a homemade nature box for the leaflets and origami beans on the business card be fun, interactive and positive engaging in creative interest to my Artwork.
Figure 9. The traditional Ottoman Style Arabic Kahwa Potand coffee beans for the creative access resource
Pot For the Creative Access resource, I prepared four coffee beans from different countries in the coffee shop for visitors and customers, which are available then, using customers' smell, taste, sight and touch. I folded origami cups for the coffee beans and put Dimo letters on each cup for visitors and customers with visual impairment to quickly find where coffee beans come from worldwide.
Figure 10. Arabic and American coffee beans for the creative access resource
On the wood slice, continue with coffee beans in the coffee pot, then their fond where is the country on the timeline include touch and feel the different shapes, smell and sigh coffee grown worldwide can trace from the heritage countries to present time.
Figure 11. The wood slice for the creative access resource
Figure 10. The detail of the wood slice for the creative access resource
Figure 12. The detail of the wood slice for the creative access resource
Figure 13. The detail of the wood slice for the creative access resource
Also, for those interested in learning more about the history of coffee in the world, I created leaflets with pictures and detailed information to continue with the wood timeline. Additionally, I asked the shop assistant if customers could drink coffee, which is part of my Artwork, and then buy the coffee.
Figure 12. The primary leaflet side
Figure 11. The leaflet's backside